Thursday, June 30, 2011


Christian Louboutin custom designed ballerina pointe shoes to raise money for the English National Ballet... Fashion for a cause = Fabulous!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

"A Radical Departure from Nothing"

Amazing Austrilian label Ksubi 's new collection "A Radical Departure from Nothing"... I want everything from this collection including the menswear! Obsessed!!

Today's Inspiration: "Creeper"

Great story from StyleCaster 

"City Fahrenheit"

Check out Runway Magazine's 2011 Summer issue I worked on with Photographer: Jun Cao, Makeup Artist: Griselle Marie, Hair Stylists: Mari Watase & Sen Li, Nail Artist: Kelly Baber and my Stylist Assistant: Stephanie Laichi

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Today's Inspiration: "Fearless Nudes"

The latest editorial story from Volt Cafe
Photographer: Diana Gomez / Model: Charlotte T / Stylist: Desiree Lederer

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Killer Swagger!

Chanel001 gun

Dior001 gun

Ted Noten's Gun Makeup Kit